Sports equipment for schools

At Anches Sports, we are manufacturers and distributors of sports material for schools, from material for physical education classes (balls, sticks, hoops, cones, bibs...) to sports equipment for schools such as indoor football or handball goals, football goals, basketball or mini-basketball goals, volleyball and badminton posts, posts for backboard protection netting... As well as any other equipment you need for your school's sports fields and courts.

At Aches Sports we are also specialists in padded protectors for schools, whether they are protectors for columns and pillars, wall protectors or for the sports equipment itself.

If you want to buy safe, resistant and compliant sports equipment for schools, our Coade sports equipment will be a great option. 

Moreover, if you are an educational centre (school, college, high school, university...) you will have special discounts on our Coade material, discounts that are not visible on our website.

Material for physical education

When a teacher or the school itself has to buy material for their physical education classes, the quality/price ratio is fundamental. For this reason, at Anches Sports we have a wide range of material for physical education. In addition to all the sports equipment for schools visible on our website, we have a wide variety of products that we can quote for and that are not shown in our online shop.

Among the material for physical education we can highlight: footballs, basketballs and volleyballs, PVC and foam balls, sports nets, high jump mats or individual mats, javelins, hurdles and athletics weights, psychomotricity material, hoops, spikes, cones, ropes, bibs...

We ship all over Spain: Málaga, Cadiz, Madrid, Barcelona, Barcelona, Alicante, Valencia, Castellón, Toledo, Segovia, Valladolid, Asturias, Pontevedra, Asturias, Álava, Navarra, Zaragoza...