Taekwondo Electronic Scorebaords

8% discount on electronic scoreboards for martial arts.

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Among the professional electronic scoreboards for martial arts we can highlight among the best-selling electronic taekwondo scoreboards, there are other very common models such as karate, kick boxing, judo, boxing and fighting scoreboards. Having portable models (usually placed on a table, being its smallest size and easy to carry), and wall (larger and readable).

Their professional use will make them valid for both pavilions and sports clubs, gyms or competitions with judges and referees.

Among the different functions will be available according to the scoreboard: scores, penalties, timer, Osaekomi, laps, name of competitors and countries ...

These types of references for martial arts are characterized with respect to other sports disciplines for being red and blue, so they are easily identifiable.

Official distributors of the Stramatel brand in Spain, characterized by the quality of its materials. With sale to all audiences and personalized advice. Shipping through national and to the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and international transport agencies under quotation.


Martial Arts Scoreboards

Martial Arts electronic scoreboards