Buttock and Leg Machines

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What are low weight training machines?

They are those devices with which you can perform exercises for the lower part of the body. Working the muscles of the legs (twins, quadriceps, abductors, femoral ...) and the buttocks.

What exercises do with them?

With these gluteus and leg machines they tone and strengthen the muscles of the lower body. There are many options, from plate machines or disks (femoral, leg extension, presses, jacks ...) to various cage models. Daily squat exercises gain more interest and importance in strength training, both in men and women, since they are very complete exercises.

How we work?

Normally, these types of professional devices usually use the workload using plates or discs.

Sale of fitness products for lower and upper extremities. Specialists in professional gyms for any type of sports facilities, clubs, hotels, spa ... Distributors with advice on the type of machine or lots you need, according to the measures of the premises and the utility they can use.
We also have banks, multipower, discos, bars, custom cages ...
Suppliers with low budget shipments.


Trunk and Low extremities

Butt and Leg Machines for Gyms - Lower Body